Saturday, March 1, 2014

I love this ward and the members!!

February 10, 2014


Sounds like this week was crazy!! that's so crazy about dad too!!!!! so awesome!  did they change the whole bishopric (I killed that word sorry) or just dad?  that's just crazy!  this week was pretty cool, pretty much a normal week.  we did lose one of our baptismal dates which was kind of rough, but we should have two for this week.  just really hope they don't fall through!  everything else is going good though!  we had a birthday party for our bishop this week which was sweet, and the ward here is seriously so awesome!  Vicente's brother gave me a triple from the 80s from Guatemala with a Mayan scripture case and its probably the coolest thing ever!  I feel so blessed to be here its awesome!  its just really hard to describe the members here!  we had splits this week and I was with the district leader and it was crazy. he taught this lesson that was so cool.  he compared the story of Joseph of Egypt and how he interpreted the pharoahs dream and how we have to do everything we can in this life to prepare ourselves for the next life.  I pretty much butchered the description, but it was like the coolest lesson ever!  other than that not too much is going on!  I got two huge packages that were unreal!!!!!! thank you so much for all the support you give me! so awesome. but yeah that's my email for the week!


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